There’s only one example in which putting up walls at a company is a good thing, and that’s when the teams involved are volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and framing walls for three new homes.
Habitat for Humanity, an organization with which Toyota Industries Commercial Finance has an established partnership, has a mission to bring the dream of homeownership to anyone who wants it. Safe, affordable housing fosters public health, security, a sense of community, and economic prosperity.

Approximately 30 Associates recently volunteered over two days at the Wall Shop of the Dallas- area Habitat chapter to frame up the walls and roofs for three complete homes.
The frame sets will be used on future builds in the historic Joppa neighborhood of Dallas. Joppa, founded in 1872, is one of the last remaining “freedman’s towns” in Texas. The town reports hosting the first Juneteenth festivities in Dallas, celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation, which came into effect, June 19, 1865.
“There is such a sense of accomplishment when volunteering with Habitat, says Michael Schultze, Senior Director of Sales and Operations at TICF and the project sponsor. “At the beginning of the day, you have piles of boards. Through teamwork and sweat equity, at the end of the day there are frames for several homes.”
TICF is here for North Texas, Habitat for Humanity, and for each other. We’re all in this together. #Homes #DallasHabitat #Contribute2Society
To learn more about Habitat and to get involved, visit https://dallasareahabitat.org.
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